Thursday 29 November 2012

The best presentation I have seen, and here’s why.

My worst fear came to light when my first assignment in communications was a presentation, but the reality of it is, presentations are a major part of college work, so somehow I have to overcome my fear of presenting.

I spent most of my time researching YouTube and Google to pick up some tips/techniques to assist me. There were many interesting articles, but one in particular caught my attention as it gave excellent information on effective presentation skills. More information can be found here. (Toastmasters International 2012)

Image source: Presentations ( 2012)

It amazed me how well other students had done while presenting, none of them seemed to display any anxieties, while I was panic stricken.

One of the best presentations I saw that day was from a student who stood out from the rest, he was so calm. His presentation just flowed; it just seemed so natural to him.

 I thought it was the best presentation as he:,
  • Had a strong introduction,
  • Drew the audience in, and and kept them focused with the tone of his voice,
  • Captured his audiences attention instantly,
  • Dressed appropriately,
  • Engaged well with his audience,
  • Made good use of visual aids, his PowerPoint slides were simple,
  • Kept eye contact,
  • Body language was appropriate,
  • Kept it clear and consistent,
  • Kept within the time limit.
He was very welcoming, interacted well, engaged with us throughout his presentation. It was well structured and it was visible that he researched, prepared and practiced.

Our lecturer David Cooke gave us some really good information on how to give an effective presentation, such as the importance of having an introduction, a main body and a summary, also its vital to:

1.    Tell your audience what you’re going to tell them.
2.    Tell them.
3.    Tell your audience what you just told them.

Over all, this student was so passionate about his presentation and kept all the above factors in mind, so personally this is the best presentation I ever saw.
Maybe one day I'll master the skills that this student has, even now while writing this blog, my heart is sinking, the thought of them in the future, hopefully someday I will overcome my fear of presenting.

References (2012). Using Animation Within Work Presentations. [Online]. Image, Available from: [Accessed: 10th November 2012]

Toastmasters International. (2012). Where Leaders Are Made. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 9th November 2012]